Erin Barrows
Mental Health Specialties
- Coaching
- YIN Yoga
- Deep Stretch
- Bolster Use
- Decrees
- Conscious Language
- Myofascial Release Stretch
- Structural Rebalancing
- Body Language Translations (body reading)
- Enlightened Iridology (eye reading)
- Spiritual Universal Laws
Who I am
I am a therapeutic and transformational bodyworker, coach, and lightworker. I am intuitive in massage, yoga, spiritual and energy therapeutics and facilitation. I am a mom of two and a beloved wife. I was:
- An over giver
- An over feeler
- An over thinker
- An over doer
- In pain
- A give upper
- Burnt out
- Drained
- In mental agony/jail
- Anxiety stricken
The many tools that I use today in my offerings saved and restored my mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual life. They have resurrected my life and body back to thriving, easy, and powerful!
I am passionate about teaching, coaching, and supporting through sharing the many tools that I have acquired through my own transformational years.
At NewPath Therapy & Wellness, I will offer:
Therapeutic Bolsters Classes (for small groups of 8)
This class will use supportive cushions called bolsters and many other therapeutic tools. The word bolster means “SUPPORT.” All of us need to discover what supports us, and I mean genuinely supports us! We will explore many ways of this in class through postures, deep stretch, structural rebalancing, myofascial release work (connective tissue), breathwork, increased strength and flexibility, and increased range of motion. You will walk away from each class with take-home supportive tools in mental, emotional, and physical ways, and many more. This class is for All levels, All bodies, and All hearts!
Through these classes, you can learn to better manage your physical, emotional, and mental stress.
Click the link below to sign up for my Therapeutic Bolsters Classes! I hope to see you there!