Lindsey Powell
Mental Health Specialties
- Adulting issues
- Depression
- Children, tweens, and teens
- Play therapy
- Anxiety and stress
- Family counseling
- Grief and loss
- Life transitions like motherhood
What am I supposed to do?
In today’s fast paced society, life transitions such as transferring jobs or staying in dead end jobs, living in broken down housing or moving, and choosing between staying in a toxic relationship or divorcing your spouse may seem to overpower your ability to challenge negative outlooks.
As humans, we are creatures of nature, and more times than not, we prefer to continue down the road that we are on than to change, even if it is for the better.
I understand the many struggles that people face today – from finding a balance between life and work to the number of roles we have – as well as the constant comparisons that many of us are making.
Empowering yourself
The mind is a powerful tool, and changing your mindset can have a positive, lasting effect on your levels of stress and anxiety.
I believe in an empowerment-based approach to mental health therapy in which I help you discover your own inner power and strength.

Areas of focus
I can remember at a young age wanting to work with kids who were experiencing the transitions faced through the divorce process.
This initial desire has expanded to a love of helping all individuals through all of life’s changes as a mental health counselor.
I got my bachelors in Family Studies and my masters in Counseling and Development from Lamar University. In 2008, I began my social services career by implementing family-based prevention programs in local elementary schools, which allowed me to work with the entire family in identifying strengths and building on them. It also allowed me to help students feel confident enough to face many of today’s challenges.
I also have experience working with individuals and groups dealing with issues including anxiety, depression, self-worth, stress management, and communication.
Who I am out of the office
When not in the office, you can find me attempting to keep up with my ALWAYS energetic children.
I have a love of party decorating and trying new Pinterest projects and enjoy when I can integrate that creativity into the counseling process. I also love hiking and nature.
After a little kicking and screaming along the way, I have now developed a passion for budgeting and love learning about other’s achievements using goal setting and budgeting.

Let me guide you on your mental health journey.
When you schedule an appointment with me, not only do you gain a mental health counselor, but also a guide to help you toward your new path. You gain someone who understands where you are and can help you get to where you want to be. Set up an appointment with me and start your journey to a less stressful life today!