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Counseling for Depression

Depression is debilitating and can make feel like there is no hope for your future. Through our mental health services, we at NewPath Therapy & Wellness can help you learn to manage and overcome your depression with proven skills that will enable you to heal.

A woman with smeared eyeliner from crying holding a paper with a smile on it in front of her mouth

Counseling for Depression

Depression is debilitating and can make feel like there is no hope for your future. Through our mental health services, we at NewPath Therapy & Wellness can help you learn to manage and overcome your depression with proven skills that will enable you to heal.

Symptoms of Depression

  • Suicidal thoughts or attempts
  • Mood swings
  • Feelings of hopelessness and sadness
  • Guilt and self-hatred
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia or excessive sleeping
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Weight gain or loss and change in appetite
  • Lack of interest in things that you once loved
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Indecisiveness
  • Impotence
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Moving or speaking slower
  • Aches and pains

Depression hurts.

It is more than just having a bad or down day on occasion. Every day it is a low that cannot be explained. It is a struggle to just breathe on the worst days, but mainly it is just an overwhelming feeling of…nothingness.

You know that you are sleeping too much and are totally checked out of your life.

The people who are close to you say that they understand, but you can see the look of confusion and disconnect in their eyes.

Just snap out of it.

You TRY every day to get up and put on the happy face in order to look normal. Your life seems fine, but you don’t feel fine.

No one really wants to talk about it and may even stop asking how you are doing. They don’t know what to say or do anymore.

Counseling can help you overcome depression.

Thoughts can get stuck in a negative cycle and cognitive behavioral therapy can help you to shift to new perspectives to feel improved moods.

Meditation and mindfulness training are highly effective ways to help with releasing feelings of depression and allowing you to feel relief.

A woman with her hands covering her face

Walk out of your darkness.

We know that this is hard, and we will sit with you and hear your every word. You don’t have to dig up your past or share childhood stories. That is only one type of mental health therapy. There are many proven techniques that are simple skills, yet powerful to help you feel happier. All it takes is one step to start on the path to recovery.